Monday, September 17, 2012

Senior Home Care Health Tips

Senior home care health tips are important for seniors who live at home on their own and need to take good care of their health. Normally, seniors who live independently are in good health. However, it is easy to fall into unhealthy habits which can put a healthy, independent senior's health at risk. As well, as a senior there are a lot of risks and potential dangers to living alone that should also be considered.

As a senior who lives alone falling poses a big risk. Falling can cause serious injuries, including back, neck and head injuries and broken bones. Seniors who suffer from a fall can take longer to heal and their overall health can deteriorate as a result. A senior who lives alone at home and falls may not be able to get to the phone to call for help. The inability to get help or move after a fall can lead to serious situations including dehydration, starvation or even death if the fallen senior is not found in time. To avoid this awful scenario, seniors who are on their own should consider a help line service, home care service where a caregiver checks in on them, or even asking a neighbor to check in on them regularly. Even the healthiest senior can fall and get seriously hurt so these options are good ideas for seniors of all ages and at all levels of mobility and health.